New Heights Church

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Arrows in Flight

Psalms 127:3-4
Sons are a heritage from the Lord,
children a reward from him.
Like arrows in the hands of a warrior
are sons born in one's youth.

Last week Leslie and I turned the page and began another chapter in life.  We are now in the “empty nest” stage of life.  The last two kids moved out in the same week.  In a sense we are excited about what lies ahead.  We expect it to be a time of productivity in our work and a lot more flexibility in our free time.  We expect it to be a “we-haven’t-lost-our-children-we’ve-gained-a-bathroom” kind of experience.  I know there will be a lot of positives in this stage.

At the same time I can’t help but wonder how I’ve done as a dad.  Are they ready?  Can they handle independence?  Will they live unselfishly?  Will they continue to grow in Christ?  Will they be a blessing to those around them?

As I reflect on the past 23 years and 5 months of child-rearing, I know there are things I could have done better as a dad.  But something Jim said in a talk a couple of months ago has given me great comfort and hope—“Prayer trumps bad parenting!”  If there is anything that Leslie and I have done correctly, it is that we have been consistent in praying for and with our kids.  In the past week our intercession for the kids has only intensified.

The arrows are loosed and are in flight.  Will they hit the target?  Not if it all depends on my skills as a parent.  But I am confident that he who began a good work in them will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus (Philippians 1:6).

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A Poser, Me.....????

Hey men,
So a few weeks ago, I gave you a story from John Shore about a man posing. Posing, you might have asked, "what is that and how does it pertain to me?” “ I don’t keep my knowledge sources from my son.” Well, posing is just a term for the things we do to cover up our insecurities, doubts, and fears. Oh yes, fears. The original poser? Adam. “I heard your voice and I was afraid” (remember that was right after he didn’t kill the snake in the garden).
So, you think you aren’t scared of anything? I did for years, and if you looked at my life you would have thought maybe not. But the truth was that there were LOTS of situations that I avoided just because I wasn’t sure how they would turn out. Posers (us) usually only fight battles they (we) know they (we) can win, and when they (we) get into one that they (we) are not sure of, they (we) usually do much damage to their (our) heart and the hearts of others around them (us).
Where does it come from? Adam? Our sinful nature? Part of modern religion would like for you to believe that it is our fallen nature and that there is not much you can do about it (you know, the whole man is depraved thing). My experience has been otherwise, though our nature does have something to do with it. Most of our posing has its roots in our getting our heart broken at some point in our life. Unmet expectations or awful actions of our parents, friends, authority figures (all of which are posers too, you know), all have an effect on our hearts and lead us into protective actions and we call that posing. It can go so far and so deep that we think it is our God-given personality. Really??? God would give us something we hate about ourselves? No wonder He gets such a bad rap in this world.
So what does Jesus have to say about this?

I have come to heal the broken hearted
And set the captive free.

When Jesus announced His mission on this earth, that is the scripture he used. Out of all the messianic prophecies He could have chosen, He used that one. Is it true then, can you be whole-hearted? Can you be the man you have always wanted to be? Strong, faithful, loving, respected? Can your wife be grateful for how well you love her? Can your kids be radiant with affirmation etc, etc? You bet.
Well, I’m ready to sign on the dotted line, close the deal, what do I need to do?
It’s pretty easy, actually, it just requires child like faith that God is really for you, that scripture is true, there is no condemnation for those in Christ, and then to take your hearts deep thirst for affirmation to Jesus, instead of other people (or wherever you take it to, that just happens to be one of our biggest fears). To be free of the fear of what others think, now that’s freedom indeed.

Here’s to the Real you!