Overcoming Sexual Brokenness
Hardly a week goes by that I don’t talk to someone about their struggles with pornography. Porn continues to feed a pandemic of immorality and sexual brokenness. Sometimes it can be discouraging to think about how many men are affected by this. Men who otherwise have a fairly high level of spiritual passion and moral integrity are taken out by internet porn. Its ease of access has made this spiritual poison hard to resist. Consequently a lot of men have sustained deep relational and spiritual wounds that affect their marriages, their relationships with women in general, and their relationship with Christ. They’ve traded in relational intimacy for fantasy sex.
Usually lust is not the only thing that drives a man to porn. Loneliness, idleness, depression, stress, anger—any of these can be temporarily soothed by the emotional narcotic of porn. But like medicating with alcohol it creates more problems than it solves.
As with every sin there is a way out and it is possible to gain victory.
One ministry that we have that is especially effective in helping men overcome sexual brokenness is More than Conquerors. In a More than Conquerors group men are led week by week, step by step out of the maze of fear, hurt and shame into a healed, overcoming, “More-Than-Conqueror” lifestyle.
Testimonies of Guys who are currently in a More than Conquerors group:
I have never had a group provide such a tactile representation of God's grace than More Than Conquerors. Fear almost overwhelmed me when I was considering joining. I didn't want to get hurt by a church group again. These men have provided such an outpouring of love, grace and acceptance such that I have never known. By addressing the heart of the addictive cycle in a loving and condemnation-free way, More Than Conquerors has opened my heart to allow God to truly begin the restoration process.
This group is truly a testimony to how much God loves his children. I always thought the goal was to stop looking at porn, but God wants all of my heart. Through this group and the grace of God, he has been unveiling a web of lies, shame, guilt, condemnation, and strongholds in my heart and life. I had no idea there was this much healing or freedom to be had. Through this group God will truly transform you from one degree of glory to another. Bible study and fellowship are great but this group is all about setting people free."
After years of trying to achieve sexual purity by my own will power, the group helped me see that by His grace, God wants me to follow His will but do it by His power with the help of a group of guys I can trust.
We are planning to start a new More than Conquerors group on Tuesday evenings at The Warehouse.
More than Conquerors is a high-commitment group. Plan for 2 ½ hours every week for nine months with homework. Obviously, this is only for guys who are serious about freedom.
If you could use support and healing in this area of your life, please pray about attending.
Contact Tim Crowell at timcrowell@ymail.com for more info.