New Heights Church

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

You may already be a hero

A couple of weeks ago Leslie and I met an interesting fellow by the name of Doug.  Doug runs a bed and breakfast on the Katy Trail.  He is a very positive and outgoing fellow---super friendly, a great encourager, and someone who places a high value on friendship and living life to the fullest.

Doug shared a story with us about how several years ago he was almost killed on a Dallas freeway.  It was not the way that most people are almost killed on Dallas freeways—he was the random target of freeway sniper!  As he was driving along a hole suddenly appeared in his front windshield, the passenger side window had shattered, and he was covered with blood because of the flying glass.  The sniper’s bullet had entered by the side window and went through the windshield, missing Doug by a fraction of an inch.

Doug said that he had always felt that God had some special plan for him, and after the sniper incident that sense of destiny intensified.  He used to fantasize about what his great purpose would be.  He pictured himself running to the rescue and saving the life of a child, or some similar heroic deed.  Somehow he would be in the right place at the right time and throwing caution to the wind in the face of great danger with only seconds to spare he would save the day.

However, as Doug has grown older and developed a more mature view of life he realizes that heroic deeds and high purposes may be accomplished in very quiet, unassuming ways.  A kind word to a stranger may turn the tide of depression.  A prayer for a friend may be the thing that changes the course of his life.  A small service rendered with a great attitude may become the door of great blessing in another person’s life—and you may never know it.

Our words and actions can have profound influence that we may never see.  The smallest words and actions can have world-changing impact.  Let us speak and act with that in mind.  Who knows?  You may save a life today, and never know it until you stand before Christ and receive your reward.


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