New Heights Church

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

When God Ditches the Script

 It is possible to interpret certain passages in the Bible as a script for God.  There is a human tendency to develop formulas through which God’s behavior can be predicted.  If we are not careful this can reduce the Christian experience to a matter of discovering and unlocking the combination for divine blessings.  “If I do A then God will see to it that B happens.”
Therefore, if

A = give generously, raise your kids right, believe for healing, pray in faith, live a clean, moral life, etc.


B = financial prosperity, goods kids when they grow up, health, answered prayers, general happiness, great relationships, etc.
The thing is, this is generally true—there are biblical passages that teach about how God responds to our actions—e.g., give and it will be given to you.  If I give generously I can generally expect a generous response from God.  But God reserves the right to ditch the script.  It is possible for people who give generously to experience financial ruin.  It is possible for kids who are raised right to harden their hearts, turn away from God, and die in their sin.  Sometimes when we pray for healing we aren’t healed.  Sometimes when we pray, that for which we pray is not given.  Godly people can lose everything that we typically describe as the blessings of God.
When that happens there is the danger of making wrong judgments either about ourselves or God.  When life doesn’t go according to script we may be tempted to think that there is either something wrong with our faith and obedience, or God has dropped the ball.  It is never the latter, and not necessarily the former.  It could be that we are in the very center of God’s will and favor and end up with a life-long debilitating illness or injury.
We live in a war zone, not heaven.  Although the war is won, every now and then we’ll take a hit.  God will allow it because somehow it equips us for eternity and displays Christ here and now.   It is not because God has stopped loving us. 
If things are not going according to script, it’s a good time to take inventory.  Maybe there are some adjustments you need to make in faith and obedience.  But if your heart is right, don’t despair.  It could be that God is insisting upon being God, and giving you an opportunity to introduce him to others.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Bucket List


New Heights Men at New Heights Church
Message from:
Alex Hedgepeth

Greetings from Indianapolis, where I got to do another Bucket list item for me. I went to a game at Hinkle Fieldhouse, on the campus of Butler University. This is the gym that the state chapmionship game on the movie "Hoosiers" was played in. If you have ever seen a picture of Lucas Stadium where the colts play, Lucas was built to resemble Hinkle, and Conseco, where the Pacers play was also. Beautiful place, lots of enthusiam and history, but no air conditioning.

I am reading a book that details the culture of manhood in America since the Revolution. It brings out an interesting aspect that is an American invention. The Self-made man.  How our striving in the world of business and industry caused us to become with out a community of our peers, caused us to look for lots of different avenues for escape, and in general made us miserable as men.

While reading this, I'm wondering, well, how are we supposed to live? The self-made man, and other images we give ourselves, being part of the world's idea for us, what is God's idea for men?

The one thing that I can grab onto, that is totally opposite of any alternative the world gives, can be sumed up in one word: Dependent.

Everything our culture teaches us is to be independent. Cut the apron strings, get out on your own, see the world, get away from it all.

And Jesus says abide in me. Apart from me you can do nothing.

There is a total dependence in the Christian life that I don't think we quite understand. It is certainly not modeled very well this day and time, most models falling either in the self-made man camp, or the other extreme, God as ever-present Santa Claus camp.

I'm not saying I understand it or do it well, but it is number one on my bucket list. To abide in Christ. If that happens in my life, I'll be sure to let you know. On second thought, I may not have to.

Here's to abiding, friends,

PS, in preperation for the identity session at the next man night, I would like for you to start noticing when you say "I am" and then note what follows. Thanks men.


Hero Worship

Hey Guys,
It’s been a great week, hasn’t it? Championship game on Monday night, rain, great temps, not much to complain about. But we find a way, don’t we? We were stuck in a sort of malaise at the store in the middle of this week. As we sat down for our Wednesday staff meeting, I was searching and praying for some words to encourage my staff.  Yes, I recognize it for the warfare it was, and is. I may have never told you guys this before, but it has been my experience spiritual warfare is illogical. That makes a sort of sense, because we are dealing mostly with lies.

But warfare is not the point of this email which is supposed to encourage each of you in your walk as a Christian Man. The point is a topic that came out of our discussion. I asked each person who their hero was growing up. Who did they look to, to try to emulate? There were six people in the room, three women, three guys. None of the women had a hero figure, all of the guys did, and we didn’t have to think hard about who our hero was either. Interesting ramifications if it holds true across the board. So, if you will humor me, ask your wife who her hero was or not, and then tell me who yours was.
So let’s talk about heroes for a second. Mine was my grandfather. One of the greatest men I have ever known. Strong as an ox, yet loved everyone who would let him. Not just strong physically, but in every area of his life, he was resolute. I have lived most of my life attempting to be like him. On the other hand, I had people who I have tried NOT to be like. Most of you have heard stories about my father, and how he was married 9 times and couldn’t be counted on to do anything for you. Or my stepdad, absolutely one of the most angry, unapproachable men you would ever know. For better or worse, these men shaped my formative years and consequently, my adulthood.

Recently, as an experiment, I spent several years reading nothing of the Bible but the four gospels. Over and over.  It was an attempt to get to know Jesus better and it was an amazing thing. The things Jesus says and does, he is the ultimate hero to me. Really, I mean it. I’m not just saying it like a Sunday school teacher, because he really is the real deal. Check him out and see if I’m not right. Not a theology, not modern Christianity, not the way you do church or not, or any self-help tips on leading a better life. Just Jesus. Like you were traveling with someone getting to know them.

Enjoy the ride men.