New Heights Church

Monday, April 9, 2012

Hero Worship

Hey Guys,
It’s been a great week, hasn’t it? Championship game on Monday night, rain, great temps, not much to complain about. But we find a way, don’t we? We were stuck in a sort of malaise at the store in the middle of this week. As we sat down for our Wednesday staff meeting, I was searching and praying for some words to encourage my staff.  Yes, I recognize it for the warfare it was, and is. I may have never told you guys this before, but it has been my experience spiritual warfare is illogical. That makes a sort of sense, because we are dealing mostly with lies.

But warfare is not the point of this email which is supposed to encourage each of you in your walk as a Christian Man. The point is a topic that came out of our discussion. I asked each person who their hero was growing up. Who did they look to, to try to emulate? There were six people in the room, three women, three guys. None of the women had a hero figure, all of the guys did, and we didn’t have to think hard about who our hero was either. Interesting ramifications if it holds true across the board. So, if you will humor me, ask your wife who her hero was or not, and then tell me who yours was.
So let’s talk about heroes for a second. Mine was my grandfather. One of the greatest men I have ever known. Strong as an ox, yet loved everyone who would let him. Not just strong physically, but in every area of his life, he was resolute. I have lived most of my life attempting to be like him. On the other hand, I had people who I have tried NOT to be like. Most of you have heard stories about my father, and how he was married 9 times and couldn’t be counted on to do anything for you. Or my stepdad, absolutely one of the most angry, unapproachable men you would ever know. For better or worse, these men shaped my formative years and consequently, my adulthood.

Recently, as an experiment, I spent several years reading nothing of the Bible but the four gospels. Over and over.  It was an attempt to get to know Jesus better and it was an amazing thing. The things Jesus says and does, he is the ultimate hero to me. Really, I mean it. I’m not just saying it like a Sunday school teacher, because he really is the real deal. Check him out and see if I’m not right. Not a theology, not modern Christianity, not the way you do church or not, or any self-help tips on leading a better life. Just Jesus. Like you were traveling with someone getting to know them.

Enjoy the ride men.

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