New Heights Church

Thursday, March 15, 2012

All In and Ready to Roll

There are some good things going on among the men at New Heights these days.  Last weekend many of us enjoyed the retreat at New Life Ranch.  (Thanks, Alex and Dog Soldiers).  The 70% chance of rain was prayed back to Sunday instead of Saturday and it was absolutely beautiful for the retreat.  On Monday evening we had our first monthly Man Night at The Warehouse—good burgers, good fellowship, good worship and teaching.
As I’ve been talking with many of our men lately I’m sensing a readiness to join God in what he is doing and to wage war against the evil one.  “I’m all in and ready to roll”—seems to be the attitude of a growing number of men.  They are accepting the call to be different from the world around them.  They are willing to stand alone if necessary, but they are finding many brothers to stand with them.  They are acknowledging the influence they have in the world (for good or bad) —especially in the lives of their wives and children—and are committing themselves to holiness and love.  They are learning to say “no” to their fleshly desires and to pursue the kingdom of Christ.  They are confessing their sins and committing themselves to community and service.  They are ready to be a different kind of man.
Satan will oppose it.
As we move out of selfishness and lazy spirituality we need to be aware that we are kicking a hornet’s nest.  We are sending an invitation to the enemy to “bring it on.”  We had better be well prepared, alert and on guard.  Acknowledging and anticipating the attack is 80% of the battle.  There will be an attack.  Don’t let the enemy catch you off guard.
God will bless it.
God is eager to respond to men who give their hearts to him.  He will fight for us.  He will hear and answer our prayers.  He will empower us to stand against temptation.  He will be our shield.  He will bless our efforts to serve him and to share his life with those within our reach.  He will stir up hearts to respond to the gospel, and he will be glorified.  Our lives will be filled with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self-control.
Let’s roll!
Coming Up:
Band of Brothers, every Friday at The Warehouse at 6:15am.  Tomorrow is breakfast burritos, muffins and fruit, Jeff Courtway and a time of prayer and encouragement.
Man Night:  6:30pm, second Monday of every month.  Next one is April 9.  Feast followed by Alex Hedgepeth speaking on IDENTITY.
“It’s Your Call” retreat,  April 20th-22nd. This will be a regional retreat at New Life Ranch specifically designed to help a man find and walk in his calling. If you are at a crossroads in life, or just believe that there is something more out that for you, don’t miss this!
More info and sign-up at:

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