New Heights Church

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Being the Person You Want to Become

Do you ever think about what kind of person you will be “one of these days?”  Often we fall into the trap of waiting on circumstances to change before we enter into our true identity and purpose.  “When I get a girlfriend, I’ll be happy.”  “Once I get the promotion I’ll be in a position to really make a difference at work.”  “When we have a baby our marriage will be better.”  “When we make more money I’ll be happier.”  “I’ll quit this bad habit if it ever starts to hurt other people.”

There is a tendency to think that it is okay to remain the way we are until our circumstances change.
  Once our circumstances change we’ll be good to go.  Cop out!  Setting our minds to being who we will become will only hasten the process.  Not doing so will only postpone—maybe indefinitely—whatever goal we have.

My friend, Cole, recently came to grips with the need to be the man he wants to become.
  Here’s his story:

God changed my life with a question. During one of my devotionals in early November, I considered what I wanted my life to look like after my graduation in December.   I wanted to be a man that loved and served Jesus Christ passionately, living life holistically devoted to him alone.  I wanted to be a man that honored God through loving and serving my future wife and children well, taking their lives on as my divine responsibility to encourage them to blossom in their faith rather than having them wither under my leadership as the head of my family.  I also wanted to be a man that served Christ's church well in the pastoral ministry that he has called me to remaining faithful to the Truth and shepherding my people with wisdom and love.

But as I looked to the man I wanted to be and observed
the one that I was, I saw a disconnect.

It wasn't that I was necessarily doing that much wrong,  I just wasn't doing much of anything.  I was struggling with sin like everyone else, reading my bible and praying every day; I had even served in youth ministry with the same students for the past 7 years.  But something was still missing.  God showed me what it was: I wasn't living my life as a real man in many areas of my life--I was still a boy.

The Holy Spirit then asked me clearly, "When are you going to start being the man that your wife respects, and your children want to be like?"  God helped me to realize that there was nothing holding me back from having the same character of the man I wanted to become in same man that I was at that very moment.   In asking me that question, God showed me that he wanted me to be that man then and now, and that the only thing that hindered me from being radically transformed daily to become like Jesus was my apathy for who God was and what he wanted to do in me.

So I gave up.

I prayed, "God, make me that man. Take my life, and transform me. I am sick of being a boy….  God I don't know how to be that man, show me…."

That’s a prayer that the Lord will answer.

Now is the time to be the person you hope to become.
  Start today!


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