New Heights Church

Thursday, February 9, 2012

What have you done lately?

Hey Guys,

One quick word and then an infomercial today.

The word: Passivity

I was watching a movie this weekend and at the end, the main character is monologuing about his last six weeks and how he had quit his job, found out who he was, got in the best shape of his life, learned how to endure pain, learned some skills, etc. Then he looks at the camera and says “What have you done the last six weeks?” Good question. What have you done to move towards the man you want to be and away from all the things that drive you crazy (or maybe others crazy)?  If you’re sitting still the word for it is Passivity.

But I’m at least not hurting anything, right? Wrong. I can name you at least a dozen guys, just that I know personally, whose marriage has failed because of their passivity.  They didn’t beat their wife, didn’t have an affair, they just didn’t step up emotionally or spiritually and it left a hole in their marriage that their wife got sick of trying to fix.

I have always had a desire to write and I believe that story (fiction) stirs more people that just propositional truths. So this semester I am taking a class at UA to help me learn how to write fiction. Do you have any idea how proud my wife and kids are of me? Something I wanted to do, a selfish pursuit, if you will, and all they can say is that’s so cool that you are doing that. I have really been blown away by their reaction.  They love the fact that I’m not sitting still.

Ok, so how do I get out of this rut I’m in? My life never changes, you might be saying. I tried this, I tried that, and none of it stuck. Ok, it’s time for the infomercial now. At our spring men’s retreat, every year we talk about following God and His plans for you. We are taking a little different approach to that subject this year and are planning for you guys to stay in your small groups on Saturday while you are geo-caching together. At each cache there will be time to dialogue about your life in particular areas, and time to dialogue with God about your life.

THENNNNN…. In April, we are hosting “It’s Your Call” a retreat to help men find out their God given calling and to overcome the obstacles to offering that to the world around you. Gary Barkalow, the author of “It’s Your Call” will be leading that retreat. I have known Gary personally for many years and he has been instrumental to my journey.

Either or both of these retreats will go a long way in your battle against passivity.

More info and sign-up on at:

So will Band of Brothers in the morning at 6 in the warehouse.

Get to fighting, our enemies are winning too many battles.


Your Brother



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